Karachi October 07 2021: The value of the TRG’s share in TRG International Limited (TRGIL) as of June 30, 2021 is Rupees 49.6 billion. This value was Rupees. 21.8 billion on June 30, 2020. This represents an increase of Rupees 27.8 billion during the year and an overall increase that is nearly thirteen times the value of its original investment. In addition to
the Company’s stake in TRGIL, it also has other assets of Rupees 0.61 million and liabilities of Rupees 8.72 billion resulting in net assets of Rupees 41.5 billion.
The Company recognized interest income of Rupees 154.4 million in its income statement, whereas it incurred expenses of Rupees 32.4 million. The share of profit from associates for the year ended June 30, 2021 was Rupees 30,313 million. Tax expense amounting to Rupees 4,582 million was incurred during the year. As a result, the Company posted a net profit of Rupees 25,852 million for the year ended June 30, 2021.