Tariq glass Limited has successfully managed to start the commercial operations from its new state of the art Float Glass Plant (Unit-II) with a capacity of 500 metric tons per day with effect from May 31’2021. The furnace of the above said plant was ignited on April 19’2021.
With the induction of aforementioned production facility, wide-variety of foat glass products will be available not only limited to clear and coloured foat glass (i.e., green, blue, brownze), mirror and reflective coated float glass but also the foat glass of varied thicknesses in the range of 2 mm to 12 mm will be maintained in stocks for sales. The availability of effective sales mix will ultimately result in higher sales and further enhanced company’s profitability.
During the last fiscal year company production of Pulled and Packed stood at 248,391 and 193,487 metric tons respectively.
Tariq glass is aiming to be a premier glass manufacturing organization of international standards and repute, offering innovative value-added products, tailored respectively to the customer’s needs and satisfaction. Optimizing the shareholders’ value through meeting their expectations, making Tariq Glass Industries Limited an Investor Preferred Institution is one of our prime policies. Company is a glassware company that caters to both household and industrial needs of the customers.