Karachi July 28 2022: Foreign exchange reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan were decreased by USD 754 million on higher debt repayments, revealed on Thursday by State Bank of Pakistan.
“Pakistan imports at $3.76 billon as of July 25 and expects total shipments in the month at about $4.8 billion”, says Pakistan’s Finance Minister Miftah Ismail.
He expects July imports to be less than total exports and remittances in that month.
For the week ending July 22, 2022, Reserves held with SBP were decreased by USD 754 million to USD 8.575 billion as per data released by the Central Bank.
At present, SBP reserves stand at the level of USD 8.575 billion as of 22nd July 2022 compared to USD 9.328 billion at the end of the week ending 15th July 2022.
During the same period, foreign exchange reserves held by commercial banks decreased by USD 73 million to the level of USD 5.839 billion as of 22nd July 2022.
Overall reserves held by the country witnessed a decrease of USD 827 million during the week ended 22nd July 2022.