Islamabad June 01’2021: GO petroleum become third largest Oil and Marketing Company of Pakistan as it sold 153,786 tons of petroleum products during the month of May 2021. Vitol Dubai Limited (foreign investor) also holds 10% stake in the Company.
Pakistan State Oil Company which is the largest Oil and Marketing Company sold 758,269 tons of petroleum products during May 2021 followed by 158,348 tons sales of Total Parco Pakistan Limited. Total petroleum sales of Pakistan during the month recorded at 1.69 million tons of which High Speed Diesel forms 45 percent followed by 43 percent share of Motor Gasoline.
As a result, total petroleum sales stood at 17.5 million tons during July 2020 to May 2021 compared to 14.8 million tons of last year.
761,425 tons of High Speed Diesel and 730,655 tons of petrol quantity sold by all Oil and Marketing companies, during the month of May 2021. Furnace oil sales of total petroleum industry stood at 168,144 tons during the same period.