Islamabad March 14 2025: Pakistan Urea and DAP offtake was 347 and 40 thousand tonnes which decreased by 36.2 and 67.9 per cent, respectively over February 2024.
Total nutrient offtake during February 2025 was 231 thousand tonnes, which decreased by 41.8 per cent over February 2024. Nitrogen, phosphate and potash offtake decreased by 37.3, 62.1 and 13.3 per cent, respectively.
Total domestic fertilizer production during February 2025 was 644 thousand tonnes. Urea and DAP production was 447 and 52 thousand tonnes, respectively. Production of other products i.e., CAN, NP, SSP, NPKs and SOP was 69, 62, 3.8, 6.1 and 4.4 thousand tonnes, respectively. Total imported supplies were 4.2 thousand tonnes comprising 3.2 and 0.9 thousand tonnes of SOP and MOP, respectively.
Prices of most of fertilizer products remained stable during month under review. Price of urea (sona) and CAN decreased by 0.3 and 1.1 per cent, respectively. Price of urea (other) and DAP increased by 0.2 per cent each whereas price of SOP decreased by 0.6 per cent. The average price of urea (sona), urea (other) and DAP was PKR 4,515, PKR 4,376 and PKR 12,046 per 50 kg bag, respectively.